Saturday, September 8, 2012

Countdown...1 day and 30 mins

I can't believe we're seriously about to be on an island in a little over a day. We're in Nashville now with my in-laws enjoying these last few days, while staying at a good friend's house, but we can't help think about how close we are.

It's becoming real...

We arrive on St. Kitts on Monday; well the brothers have already scheduled me for the Public Talk for Sun! I'm like, "dude, can I get a week or somethin' to chill first??"

Not happenin...

We have simplified from a 2 bedroom/2 bathroom house to 8 suitcases. You never realize how much you can accumulate over 5 years until you have to move.

Leaving our congregation (Summer Spanish) was the hardest thing I've experienced in a long time (next to Sheyla's funeral). Wow...I wonder how I would've done if she had been here; I couldn't imagine leaving her. When we left our meeting on Tue night, we were the last to leave the parking lot;  I had to go inside, and with only part of the lights on (main auditorium dim), I just stared and looked around for about 2-3 mins.

That was tough.

I then flashed back to a lot of great memories at that hall. I then kissed my fist, and "waved" goodbye see you soon.

Summer, see you soon.

We were leaving the hall, and I was literally in the middle of the street, when it hit me that I didn't say goodbye to Will (Correa). So I had to turn around and go to their house and hug him (3x). I have no greater hope than that they stay strong in the truth; the same goes for all you brothers...please stay busy, and keep fighting.

Sorry that my thoughts and words are all over the place. It's 11:43pm, and I'm exhausted.

Until soon...

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