Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Getting Ready for first photo gig

So I got an email from Richie Lupinacci, the owner of The Hermitage hotel.

Check out their site and reviews here:

Richie tells me that he needs photos of the hotel with its rooms, bathrooms, dining area, etc.

Here's an outline of what he needed:

So I get ready to go...

Richie and I never agreed to do this for money, but of course, due to our financial situation here, I was thinking, "man that would've been good!". Instead of money, which we never discussed, he agreed to allow us to stay at his hotel for 2 room, 2 nights.

So I say, "well I have some friends also who I'd like to bring...David and Priscilla Torres; can we get 2 rooms and 2 nights? 2 nights for them, and 2 nights for us?"

Richie: "Sounds good"

I'm thinking, "huh??" I was so ready for him to say no. So I break the news to David and Priscilla about their upcoming free trip, and of course, they were excited.

You'll see on my Youtube page videos of us getting ready to go to Nevis up until we return.

So my next post will go a little more into detail about what happened leading up to the trip, and how Jehovah taught us a lesson in "not being anxious".

Jehovah is no you're about to find out.

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